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Location: Winter Park, Florida, United States

I move throughout the world without a plan, guided by instinct, connecting through trust, and constantly watching for serendipitous opportunities.

Friday, June 06, 2014

Pain demands to be felt.
We try to ignore it. Some put ear buds in and run as fast as we can. Some immerse themselves in family and activities. Some soothe it with food. Some with drinks. Some in the arms of others. Trying to forget pain gnawing at them. Trying to push it into a deep place where it won't be felt. Trying to numb it. But like inflatables you can't sink in a pool, no matter how long you try to hold it down, pain will pop right back up. With a splash.

Pain demands to be felt.
So we must feel it. We must confront it, embrace it, and deal with it. Because ignoring it only puts off the inevitable, and destroys us in the process.